====== DEA MUST ====== **TERNET**- Direct Engineering Assistance at Mbeya University of Science and Technology * **Dates**: 11th July, 2016 * **Location**: Mbeya, Tanzania * **Host**: Mbeya University of Science and Technology. * **Venue**: Main Compus Direct Engineering Assistance workshop will be offered by Tanzania Eduction and Research Network **(TERNET)**. The workshops will be held from Monday to Friday, 11th to 15th JULY,2016 2016. The TERNET workshops will take place in MBEYA, Tanzania Mbeya University of Science and Technology- MUST **Time Table** ===== ===== ===== ===== ^Sessions ^Time | |Session 1 |09:00 - 10:45 | |Break |10:45 - 11:15 | |Session 2 |11:15 - 13:00 | |Lunch |13:00 - 14:00 | |Session 3 |14:00 - 15:45 | |Break |15:45 - 16:15 | |Session 4 |16:15 - 18:00+ | ===== FACILITATORS ===== ^s/n ^Name ^Initial ^E-mail | |1. |Magesa Mihayo |MM |mmihayo@ternet.or.tz | |2. |Pazi Pazi |PP |pazipazi@ternet.or.tz | |3. |Kilongi Kayera |KK |kkayera@ternet.or.tz | |4. |Violet Inyace |VI |vayyohana@ternet.or.tz | ====== Outline Agenda ====== |**MONDAY**|**TOPIC**|**FACILITATOR**|**PRESENTATION**|**EXERCISE**| |Session1 |Welcome, Introduction, Workshop Logistics|MM|{{:ternet_public:workshops:2016:introduction_of_ternet_operation_centre.pdf|PDF}}| | | |Campus Network Design, Principles and Best Practices|MM|{{:ternet_public:workshops:2016:campus_network_design_principles.pdf|PDF}}| | | |Session2 |Campus network/LAN Cabling|PP|{{:ternet_public:workshops:2016:cabling_and_infrastructure_topics.pdf|PDF}} | | |Session3 |Layer 1,2,3 refreshers |KK|{{:ternet_public:workshops:2016:layer_1_2_3.pdf|PDF}} | | |Session4 |IP Addressing IPv4|VI|{{:ternet_public:workshops:2016:ip_addressing_notes.pdf|PDF}} | | |**TUESDAY**| | | |Session1 |Discussion and Survey of Current campus network (Round table discussion and Presentation of proposed Wireless Network|ALL| | | |Session2 |Building an IP address|VI| | | |Session3 |Switching and routing architecture|KK|PDF | | |Session4 |Presentation of current network (MUST)|MUST| | | |**WEDNESDAY**| | | | |Session1 |Cabling through the campus|PP and all| | | |Session2 |Network Design, Configurations i.e. VLANS and Routers.|MM ALL| | | |Session3 | | | | |Session4 | |ALL| | | |**THURSDAY**| | | | | |Session1 | Building routed campus network |ALL| | | |Session2 |Review configuration and Testing|ALL| | | |Session3 |Installation of PF Sense|ALL|VI| | | |Session4 |Configuration of PF Sense|MM, ALL| | | |**FRIDAY**| | | | | |Session1 ||MM, ALL| | | |Session2 |Testing|ALL| | | |Session 3|Meeting with MUST management presenting| | | | |Session3 |Workshop round up and closing|ALL| | |