===== Agenda ===== Diagram of the network LogicalDiagram System security and management ===== Time Schedule ===== ^Sessions ^Time | |Session 1 |09:00 - 10:45 | |Break |10:45 - 11:15 | |Session 2 |11:15 - 13:00 | |Lunch |13:00 - 14:00 | |Session 3 |14:00 - 15:45 | |Break |15:45 - 16:15 | |Session 4 |16:15 - 18:00+ | ===== INSTRUCTOR ===== ^NAME ^ORGANIZATION ^EMAIL ^COUNTRY | ===== Available materials here ===== ^MONDAY ^TOPIC ^DESCRIPTION ^INSTRUCTOR ^PRESENTATIONS ^EXERCISE ^SOFTWARE USED | |Session 1 |Introduction |*Welcome *Introductions *Logistics| |{{:workshops:2016:01-welcome.pdf|pdf}} | | | |Session 2 |Introduction to basic Network Principles |* TCP/IP MODEL * IP Address | | | | | |Session 3 |Introduction to security | * Threats Risks Attacks *Network security intro | | {{:workshops:2016:securitythreats.pdf|pdf}} | | | |Session 4 |Security life cycle | * Security life cycle| | | | | ^TUESDAY | | | | | | | |Session 1 |Cryptography basics | * Theory| | {{:workshops:2016:cryptography-overview-shorter.pdf|pdf}} | | | |Session 2 |Cryptography Labs | | | | | | |Session 3 |Encryption with GPG and OpenSSL | * Theory | |{{:workshops:2016:encryption.pdf|pdf}} | | | |Session 4 |GPG / OpenSSL (Labs) |* Practical OpenSSL *Practical GPG | | {{:workshops:2016:sec-ssh-short.pdf|pdf}} | | ^WEDNESDAY | | | | | | | |Session 1 |Logging and Auditing |* Theory| |{{:workshops:2016:log-management-tenshi.pdf|pdf}} | | | |Session 2 |Logging & Auditing Labs |* Practical | | | | |Session 3 |Introduction to Network Monitoring and Management | * Overview Monitorin *Performance NMS *TOOLS SNMP | | | | |Session 4 |Nmap | * Practical/theory | | | | ^THURSDAY | | | | | | | |Session 1 | Cacti | Theory | | {{:workshops:2016:cacti-from-packages.pdf|pdf}} | | | |Session 2 | Cacti | *Practical *Installation | | | | | |Session 3 | Nagios|Theory | | | | | |Session 4 | Nagios |*Practical *Installation | | | | | ^Friday | | | | | | | |Session 1 | Introduction to Web-app Vulnerability | Theory | | | | | |Session 2 | Web-app vulnerability pentes. | Practical | | | | | |Session 3 |Sql Injection | Practical | | | | | |Session 4 | Sql map | Practical | | | | | \\