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ternet_public:workshops:2017:training1 [2016/12/23 08:15]
ternet_public:workshops:2017:training1 [2017/01/23 14:17] (current)
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-Welcome to the first TERNET technical trining wiki.+====== TRAINING ON LINUX SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION AND IP SERVICES ======
-  *+===== Training Details =====
-**Dates**: **30<​sup>​TH </​sup> ​  JANUARY – 03<​sup>​rd</​sup> ​  FEBRUARY ​2016**+  ​* **Topic**:linux system administration and ip services 
 +  ​* **Dates**:​30TH ​JANUARY – 03rd FEBRUARY ​2017 
 +  * **Venue**: Dar es Salaam at Tumaini University 
 +  * **Course Language**: English 
 +**Workshop Goals**
-  *+This five-day workshop is a mix of lectures and hands-on lab work to teach system staffs at research and education institutes who are involved with system management and it provide necessary skills and abilities to work as a professional Linux system administrator. The course is for those who need to manage diverse IP services at their Institutes and .
-**Venue**Dar es Salaam at Tumaini University+===== Objectives=====
-  *+  * Explain the core concepts of the UNIX operating system 
 +  * Explain the concepts of and demonstrate how to use Unix permission 
 +  * Use the Unix CLI to issue commands to the operating system 
 +  * Perform Unix system administration tasks 
 +  * Deploy and configure some services
-**Course Language**: English For more info about the course click the links below:-+===== Workshop Requirements =====
-  ​*+<​code>​ 
 +A laptop (NOT tablet) with wireless capability 
 +* PuTTY SSH client for Windows (SSH) 
-linux system administration ​and ip services+===== Workshop Items ===== 
 +  * [[:​ternet_public:​workshops:​2017:​training1_agenda|Agenda]] (includes links to presentations ​and schedule) 
 +  * Participants 
 +  * Photo 
 +  * Survey
ternet_public/workshops/2017/training1.1482470124.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/23 08:15 by smgaya