Table of Contents

Iringa University Training on CND

Time Table

Sessions Time
Session 1 09:00 - 10:45
Break 10:45 - 11:15
Session 2 11:15 - 13:00
Lunch 13:00 - 14:00
Session 3 14:00 - 15:45
Break 15:45 - 16:15
Session 4 16:15 - 18:00+


s/n Name Initial E-mail
1. Damas Makweba DM
2. Pazi Pazi PP
3. Kilongi Kayera KK
4. Violet Inyace VI

Outline Agenda

Monday Topic Facilitator PresentationsExercise
Session1 Welcome, Introductions, Objectives and logistics DM 0.0_introduction.pdf
Campus Network Design Principles and Best Practices DM 1.1_campus_design_principles_.pdf
Session 2 Campus Network Cabling and Cabling Installation PP 0.3_campus_network_cabling.pdf
Session 3 DEA: Presentation of current campus network – Iringa University
Session 4 DEA: Presenting proposed campus network – Iringa University
Session 1 Layer 1,2 and 3 Refresher KK 00.1_bootcamp_layers.pdf
Session 2 IP addressing: IPv4 and IPv6 VI ip_addressing_notes.pdf ip_addressing_exercise.pdf
Session 3 Building an Address Plan VI
Session 4 DEA: Presentation of the proposed campus network – Iringa University VI
Session 1 Layer 2 Network Design (Switching Architecture – VLANs) DM 5.1_layer2-stp-vlans.pptx
Session 2 Routing and Forwarding Basics KK access.pdf
Session 3 Core Network Design core_network_design.pdf
Session 4 DEA: Setup/configure proposed campus network – Iringa University
Session 1 Introduction to OSPF KK pdf_ospf.pdf
Session 2 Campus Wireless Networks PP wireless-campus.pdf
Session 3 DNS refreshers DD dns_refresher.pdf
Session 4 DEA: Setup proposed campus network – Iringa University
Session 1 Introduction to Network Monitoring and Management VI intro_network-management.pdf
Session 2 Campus Network Security Overview DM 8.0_security_overview.pptx
Session 3 Workshop round up, certificates and closing comments